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Sunburst Yoga will be open one year on 22 March! I can't believe how time flies... I opened up last year on the first day of Spring and we celebrated by practicing 108 Sun Salutations together. This celebration unfortunately can not take place on 22 March, but will be held at a future date. Stay tuned.... Thank you dearly to all who have attended and taught classes this past year and I hope you can join us for the celebration when things are up and running again. All classes on this Jubiläum/ celebration day are donation-based, drop in to any class, or socialize in the lounge, make new friends... There will be some free giveaways for classes and yoga items too. In the meantime, stay healthy, take in the good stuff, and we‘ll be in touch!

  • Date:22.03.2020 09:00 - 22.03.2020 14:00
  • Location Raiffeisenstraße 28, 66849 Landstuhl, Germany (Map)



0900-0930      MEDITATION 

1000-1110       108 SUN SALUTATIONS 

1130-1200       GENTLE VINYASA - Etleva Davis

1205-1230       YOGA NIDRA / DEEP RELAXATION (Audio by Rod Stryker)

1245-1300       ACRO YOGA DEMO - Jen & Drew

1315-1335        PRANAYAMA/ BREATHING - Katie Rachanow

1345-1400        ROLLING OMS + DRUM CIRCLE JAM